tips: tekan CTRL + F utk search
~shortform~ (perkataan2 yg di-italic-kan)
afk = away from keyboard
brb = be right back
lol = laughing out loud
rofl = rolling on floor laughing
lmao = laughing my a** out (credits to reinnaj sbb igtkan hehee)
btw = by the way
jk = just kidding
ttfn = tata for now
ttfe = tata for ever
sheesh~ = stop it! i had enuf x.x (by naim)
shuush~ = shut up~...(by naim again)
ty = thank you
yw = you're welcome
bb = babai
gl = goodluck
noob = newbie (bese refer org yg x tau pape lgsung)
caps = capital letter (diambil dr word 'caps lock')
aka = as known as (dikenali sbg)
omg = oh my god
wb = welcome back
np = no problem (slalu org igtkan ak type 'nape?' ekekee)
tc = take care
esp = especially
wtf = what the fook (bak kate naim..agak sopan skit dr f**k >.<)
wth = what the hell
fyi = for your information(ak dpt tau word nih dlm citer shrek 2 klau xsilap)
dang~ = sopan version of damn
shoot~ = sopan version of sh*t
otw = on the way
w/o = without
fav = favourite
atm = at the moment
mob = monsters
pt = party
grind = leveling dgn bunuh mob tnpa quest
mats = materials
eq = equipment
pots = potions
~terms~ (perkataan2 yg di-CAPS & italic-kan)
UTeM = Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka
FS = Friendster (lol kalu korang komen)
MS = MySpace
FL = friendlist
HD = hard disk (ini pun ak nk letak ke???just in case ade yg xtau hehee)
FF = Final Fantasy 8
D = partition hard disk ak selain dr C
PC = personal computer (besenye ak refer desktop)
PW = Perfect World (game on9 yg ak slalu men bile balik umah :D)
OS = Operating System (cth Windows)
OSK = Organisasi dan Senibina Komputer (salah 1 subjek yg ak blajar mse sem 2)
CC = cyber cafe (LOL ini pun ak letak gak?hahaa)
MF = Mediafire
MU = MegaUpload(ak CHELSEA fan ekekee)
MAS = Malaysia Airline System
HQ = high quality
ex-HD/HDD = external Hard Disk (Drive)
RO = Ragnarok Online
TOP = Tales of Pirates
NPC = non-playable character
3 comment(s):
haha ade2 aje xD
wtfook LMAO
haha haaaaa ROFLMAO pny mksd tanak tls? xD
ade lagi aw~
LOLZ~ cari sendiri ini maksud
since roflmao tuh gabungan rofl+lmao,so takyah la tulis..lupa plak lmao tuh hehee
hahaa yg tuh long xpenah guna so long x tulis..kalu nak share leh gak tp kne bg mksud skali.sharing is caring hehee
haha ade lagi~tp sendiri wat nyer
-ohmygodsheeparewalkingpillows (wakakaka)
-damn it (sopan sket au)
-biatch/bitch (untuk anjing betina lol)
-get well soon
-by the way
-megaupload @ man.u krepot wakakaka
-i luv u so much
-i mish u so much
-for the win @ for the world
-just kidding
-et cetera haha~ boleh diguna pakai dalam nota anda lolz
dah2 byk sgt arrr ad byk ag tp da lupe la~
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